Arella Residences - AMENITIES

Arella residences offer you everything you need when living at home. Other than the finest home designs and the AXEIA signature in home decor and improvement, you also get a lot of advantages when you decide to live in these residences.

Nearby Colleges & Institutions

If you do not want to spend a lot of your time commuting to and from college, Arella residences are where you should be. There are several institutions both inside the residence and close by. You, therefore, won't have to spend hours on the road trying to get to class on time. This saves you hours in the process and of course money because time is money after all! If you are a parent, you will not have to spend the whole morning in traffic after taking your kids to school.

24/7 Security

If you are worried about not having enough security, then with Arella residences you will not have to worry. The residence has residence advisors and a security team that is available all day every day. They are there to ensure that you will not have to worry about losing you property to burglars.   You will also enjoy that any questions and concerns you might have about the security and activities in Arella will be addressed regardless of what time of day it is. The security team is trained experienced and knowledgeable on how to detect and prevent any security mishaps in the area.

There is only one entrance gate where guests have to be searched for any ammunition. They also have to tell the guard which house they will be visiting and whether they are expected or not. If they seem suspicious, the guard will call the home to ensure guests are expected, and the owner knows the individual at the gate.

Centralized Water Systems

Water is the source of life. If not adequately treated, it can cause illnesses and inconveniences to people. In Arella, you get to enjoy a centralized water system where treatment and distribution of water throughout the residences is from the same source. This makes it easier to know where issues are coming from and how to fix them. Water is investigated and treated to ensure that each resident has access to clean water throughout the day.

Swimming Pool and Play Ground

If you are looking for leisure activities that you can engage in close to home, there is a swimming pool in residence. If you have children, you will also love the big playground with a lot of playing equipment that your kids can take advantage of. Play dates are a perfect way to get to know your neighbors too.

Underground Drainage Systems

Naturally, underground drainage systems are superior because the drainage pipes are protected from external damage. You are therefore confident you will never wake up to a nasty sewer leakage and unhealthy conditions as a result of the damaged pipe.

  • Entrance Gate
  • Club House
  • Underground Drainage System
  • Centralized Water System
  • Swimming Pool
  • Playground
  • 24x7 Security
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